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Wednesday, August 2, 2023



Do You Want to Lose Your  Belly Fat?

Belly fat is a common concern for many, and we understand the challenges it presents in our balanced and fit lifestyle. As health-conscious individuals, we are constantly seeking ways to improve our well-being without compromising on taste or convenience.


Today, we'd like to introduce you to "Healthya High Catechin Japanese Green Tea Flavor Sticks" - a delicious and refreshing solution to not only invigorate your taste buds but also aid in your quest for a slimmer waist. Packed with abundant catechins, these magical sticks are nature's gift to wellness enthusiasts, seamlessly blending the goodness of traditional Japanese green tea with modern convenience.

                                                                               CLICK HERE 2 ORDER

What is Visceral Fat?

Visceral fat is a type of fat that lies deep within your abdominal walls and surrounds your organs. Some levels of visceral fat are healthy and help protect your organs. However, too much visceral fat can be dangerous for your health. Visceral fat is sometimes called “active fat” because it plays an active role in how your body functions. Too much visceral fat can lead to serious health issues such as diabetes, heart disease and stroke.

Functions of Tea Catechin

Visceral fat is a type of fat that lies deep within your abdominal walls and surrounds your organs. Some levels of visceral fat are healthy and help protect your organs. However, too much visceral fat can be dangerous for your health. Visceral fat is sometimes called “active fat” because it plays an active role in how your body functions. Too much visceral fat can lead to serious health issues such as diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.

What does Tea Catechin do?


More than 90% of hypertension cases are due to essential hypertension with no known cause.

Remaining inventory is still available.

Order Now

Monday, July 31, 2023

These could be your eyelashes

 When you look at your lashes in the mirror…

Do you see short and stubby…

Or long and luscious? 

If you want eyelashes like this… 

WITHOUT wearing fake lashes or extensions…

Try this ‘Luscious Lashes’ Booster that grows your lashes 40% longer…

In just 4 weeks.

(Your eyes can look like this even without mascara) 👀

It’s super easy…

You can do it at home…

And it works for absolutely anyone.

Try it and see. 🪄

You’ll love looking at your eyes in the mirror.

Take care,


Monday, May 1, 2023

Erase pain, stress, and sickness from your body Gain more energy, joy, and happiness

 If you suffer from any pain, disease, fatigue, stress, or the effects of aging, you may have just found the answer you've been searching for thanks to a system of healing called "Spring Forest Qigong" created by Qigong master and healer, Chunyi Lin.

This system of healing has helped a quarter of a million people unlock inner health, healing, natural beauty, higher energy, and happiness. COMPLETELY UPDATED THIS YEAR, it will be available free over the Internet for six days only. Beginning May 15.

Here are just a few of the many problems that have been helped through this healing system:

• General pain: neck, shoulder, lower back, knee, arthritis, joints

• Migraine headaches, sinus problems, allergies

• Weight control, high cholesterol, and digestion problems

• Hearing or sight problems

• Female or male organ problems

• Kidney or liver dysfunction

• Strokes

• Diabetes and high blood sugar

• Heart disease, high blood pressure, and circulation problems

• Cancers

• Lung problems

• Immune dysfunction such as AIDS and lupus

• Mental and emotional disorders: depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder,

   panic attacks, addictions, obsessive/compulsive disorder, hyperactivity, dyslexia

When you get your Free Pass today, you can watch 7 professionally produced video sessions and use three breakthrough meditations absolutely free. It is designed to help you learn the art of self-healing so that you can immediately feel better, have much more energy, and be happy.

Click Here to Sign Up Today for FREE

Qigong is an ancient Chinese practice. It works with your body's energy, which is called "Qi" or "chi." As Richard Gerber, M.D., puts it, "…by moving Qi through the body, you can heal yourself of many ailments."

Bill Manahan, M.D., from the University of Minnesota Medical School, said, "I would place Qigong equal in importance to the incredible discoveries in the forties called antibiotics and in the fifties called immunizations."

You can learn Qigong online for free for six days in May 2023

Please get your Free Pass today, and forward this email to your friends. The Spring Forest Healingfest is our gift to the world. It is absolutely free, and we would like you to share it with as many people as possible including health practitioners and people who could use healing.

To your health and well-being!


Monday, April 10, 2023

Neuro Movement for Vitality & Anti-Aging

It’s a NeuroMovement Healingfest

Anti-aging without vitality? No way!

Anat Baniel shows you how to effortlessly have both greater vitality and regained youthfulness in a free online event that will change how you feel about aging. Begins on April 17.


As you age, you want to walk with increased ease, strength, speed, and improved balance (and without a walker). You want to watch TV without falling asleep, visit family, go to ball games or concerts, walk through the park, travel, think more clearly, have greater awareness, and easily learn to use that new phone. Right? Of course!

You want to be healthy, active, and feel vibrantly good. And not just once in a while. What if you could feel wonderful every day?!

Anat Baniel developed a NeuroMovement system to get the brain working better and actually prevent (even reverse!) a lot of the symptoms so many people experience as they age. You can use the system free of all charge over five days in the Vitality & Anti-Aging NeuroMovement Healingfest.

  Get your Free Pass here.

Here are common symptoms of aging that CAN be improved:

• Aches and pains

Persistent issues with the neck, back, knees, feet, and other parts of the body.

• Difficulty with movement & diminishing flexibility

It’s challenging to get things out of upper cabinets, walk up and down stairs, pick things up, get down to the floor and get back up, get in and out of chairs, tie your shoes, or fast moving back and forth…

• Getting slower and not wanting to move

Children are movement machines, but as we age, we move less and less, and eventually, movement becomes a conscious effort. Both our mind and body seem to be behind the curve.

• Lose strength and stamina

It becomes harder to open a jar, carry stuff, play golf, rake the yard, make the bed, push or pull, walk up a hill, and use our hands for more delicate coordination.

• Feeling that life is getting smaller and closing in on us.

We don’t want to go anywhere, we don’t want to learn, we get tired of this or tired of that, it’s harder to cognitively catch things that go by quickly, harder to follow conversations with unfamiliar content,

• Feelings of hopelessness, thinking things will only get worse

We feel the best years are behind us. We think we have to act old. We believe life is for younger generations.

That all happens
when we get stuck in our habitual patterns

Change the patterns in your brain and
you will reverse those symptoms of aging

It is so easy to fall into patterns. It is so easy to believe the symptoms of aging are inevitable and irreversible.

But, they are not. You can slow and reverse those symptoms by creating new connections in your brain in a way that turns you into a powerful learner, more like when you were a young child.

You can change the trajectory of aging and ways of being that weren’t there before, even when you were younger.

Yes, we are mortal creatures, but until it is time to get our wings, we can live vibrant and active lives.

You already have heard of older people who accomplish extraordinary things, whether running marathons, inventing breakthroughs, writing books, taking on massive new projects, starting an exciting new career, finding new love…

That is possible for nearly everyone and is validated by modern science and neuroscience.

“My memory and ability to learn is increasing. At 59 I feel younger and more flexible than I did in my 30s. I put on a pair of socks while standing, and my balance was steady as a rock on each leg. Without training to balance on one leg! Yea!!”
— Mailena B.

You will learn simple & subtle movements
that will wake up and rewire your brain

During the upcoming NeuroMovement Healingfest for Vitality &Anti-Aging, you will gently transform physical, cognitive, and emotional patterns of movement, thinking, beliefs, and emotions that cause most of the issues involving mobility, flexibility, strength, and pain.

Get Your Free Pass Here

These simple movements will activate your brain for improved brain functioning, which will lead to

• A renewed enthusiasm for learning

• Improve cognitive abilities

• Peak performance

• Pain-free mobility

• More energy

• Sharper thinking

• Enhanced awareness

• Joy and enthusiasm

Will you have to do these neuro movements every day for the rest of your life?

Goodness no!

Do them now, see immediate results, and do them again when you want to up your vitality anytime in the future.

  It’s time for your Free Pass.

“I'm 71 years old and over the past several years I've developed a number of walking issues and I must say in four relatively short lessons I feel like an absolutely new person. I have fluidity in my knees, I have fluidity in my hips. my walking is a lot better I came with chronic foot pain I don’t have foot pain anymore and all I can say is that it’s quite amazing.”
— Joel J.

What is NeuroMovement?

Anat Baniel Decades ago, a woman named Anat Baniel began studying the relationship between movement and the brain. She figured out how to intentionally activate positive brain change (what is called neuroplasticity) for making the seemingly impossible become possible.

Anat discovered that doing movements slowly and gently with attention to what you feel as you move, wakes up the brain to rapidly create millions of new connections. This helps bring about rapid learning and, at times, seemingly miraculous breakthroughs in overcoming limitations due to accidents, bad habits, and a variety of conditions, even when in some cases doctors say there is little hope.

It is all about expanding the repertoire of what your brain can tell your body to do and then being able to do it harmoniously, effortlessly, and without pain and suffering.

And during the NeuroMovement Healingfest, you will be able to use Anat Baniel’s NeuroMovement for Vitality & Anti-Aging, all free of charge.

Get Your Free Pass Here

If you ask your friends and family members about longevity, don’t be shocked if 100% say they don’t want longevity. That’s because they are imagining themselves in the achy bodies and inflexible minds of their grandparents, parents, and other older people.  They see what they don’t want.

If that’s you, cancel that thinking. Do the Vitality & Anti-Aging NeuroMovement Healingfest, and begin seeing for yourself how vibrant and healthy you can be now and in the years to come.

For your health & well-being,


“I was able to sleep all night long for the first time in seven years after just four movement lessons!”
— Rick

“I found myself moving in ways I haven’t moved for years.”
— Irene H.

Sunday, April 9, 2023

The $1 [self-help] sale you've NEVER heard about

 It costs just $1.

A single dollar to change your life.

Rocket your energy levels. Boost your brain power. Shed excess weight. Increase self-confidence.

It's all possible... with HYPNOSIS. ⚡

Hypnosis Live is the world's #1 hypnotherapy superstore -- and, TODAY, you can unlock and download ANY of its clinically- proven audios…


No small print. No catches.

Just click here to get started:

This is running RIGHT NOW -- and I wanted you to be the first to hear about it.

👉 Click HERE to gain your advantage.

Buy as much as you like. Everything costs $1.

⚠️ Note: This is a time-limited sale, and may have expired by the time you click the link. 

Thursday, March 9, 2023

What Is Oxidative Stress And How Does It Affect The Body

 What is oxidative stress? To understand the causes of oxidative stress, it’s essential to understand the two major players: free radicals and antioxidants.

What Are Free Radicals?

Free radicals are unstable molecules that are missing an electron – and therefore have an uneven number of unpaired electrons. They could be missing an electron for a number of reasons, including the environment or natural aging. Because of this electron imbalance, free radicals are unstable and highly reactive.1

How Free Radicals Cause Oxidative Stress

Free radicals are pesky little molecules. Missing an electron of their own, they are constantly trying to steal electrons from other molecules so that they can become stable. When a free radical steals an electron from a nearby molecule, that molecule loses an electron and becomes a free radical itself. This can lead to a chain reaction that may eventually damage cells.

what is oxidative stress | My Power LifeThese chemical reactions lead to a process called oxidation. Too much oxidation is known as oxidative stress. Oxidative stress can alter cell DNA, affect cell membranes, and harm cells in many different ways. This can lead to a variety of human health issues, which are discussed below.2,3,4

What Is The Role Of Antioxidants?

Given that free radicals are so volatile, what, if anything, can be done to slow down or prevent oxidative stress? This is the role of antioxidants. Antioxidants are your body’s best defense against free radicals.5

How Antioxidants Support your Body’s Defense Against Free Radicals

Antioxidants are molecules that can give away an electron without becoming unstable themselves. When an antioxidant gives an electron to a free radical (or a free radical takes one), the free radical is neutralized and becomes less reactive.6

How Can Oxidative Stress Affect The Body?

Some amount of oxidation is normal and even necessary in your body. But too much oxidation, aka oxidative stress, can lead to problems.7

Free radical activity can damage DNA, fatty tissue, and proteins in your body. Over time, this may lead to issues with:

  • Visible signs of aging
  • Cell health
  • Mood
  • Vision
  • And more8,9

What Are Some Potential Causes Of Oxidative Stress?

what is oxidative stress | My Power LifeChemical reactions are set off by free radicals, but what creates free radicals in the first place? Free radicals are a natural byproduct of normal cell processes — but several external and internal factors can lead to excess free radical production, including:

  • A diet high in sugar, fat, fried foods, and alcohol
  • Smoking cigarettes
  • Some pesticides and cleaners
  • Environmental pollution
  • Overexposure to X-rays
  • Ultraviolet rays10,11,12

How Can You Help Support Your Body’s Defense Against Oxidative Stress?

Free radicals are pervasive. There’s no way to banish them completely. But there are things you can do to help manage the stress they put on your body. Anything you can do to increase your antioxidants and decrease your free radicals is a great place to start. This helps manage the causes of oxidative stress before they occur.13 Here are some specific ways you can do that.

Eat More Fruits And Vegetables

While your body naturally produces some antioxidants, many will need to come from your diet. Eating five servings of vegetables and fruits per day is a great way to provide your body with the antioxidants it needs to protect itself. Here are some veggies and fruits that are high in antioxidants:

  • Blueberries
  • Strawberries
  • Plums
  • Oranges
  • Potatoes
  • Artichoke
  • Tomatoes
  • Broccoli
  • Olives
  • Spinach, curly kale, and other leafy greens14,15

Drink Your Antioxidants

what is oxidative stress | My Power Life

Many popular beverages are also rich in antioxidants, which makes sense because they’re derived from plants. Here are a few that score high in antioxidant activity:

  • Coffee (just make sure to skip the cream and sugar)
  • Espresso
  • Green tea
  • Black tea
  • Pomegranate juice (unsweetened)
  • Cranberry juice (unsweetened)
  • Red wine16 (in moderation)

Seek Out Flavonoids

Flavonoids provide antioxidants that help your body fight off free radicals. They are found naturally in fruits, vegetables, and other plant products. In addition to all of the extra fruits and veggies you’re eating see if you can incorporate some flavonoid compound foods, too.

  • Dark chocolate (72% or higher, and in moderation)
  • Peppermint
  • Parsley
  • Pecans
  • Beans and legumes17,18

Adopt A Regular Exercise Routine

what is oxidative stress | My Power LifeYou probably don’t need to hear another reason why exercise is good for you. But here goes: exercise can help support your body’s natural defense against damage caused by free radicals. Regular exercise can help support heart health, healthy blood sugar levels, and healthy cell growth — all of which can be negatively impacted by free radicals.19,20 Physical activity is considered a cornerstone of a healthy lifestyle.

Try An Antioxidant Supplement

To increase your antioxidant intake, a supplement is a great option. Look for a product that contains sources of plant-based antioxidants, like Foundation Phytonutrients.21,22

If You Smoke, Quit

Cigarette smoke and secondhand smoke increase free radicals in your body. Smoke also depletes some of your body’s natural antioxidants, like vitamin E and vitamin C. This leads to more free radicals and fewer antioxidants to defend against them.23

Try To Avoid Pesticides By Buying Organic Produce

Pesticides are a major source of free radicals.24 To minimize your risk of exposure, try to buy organic produce when you can. If you don’t have access to organic produce, try to avoid produce on the “dirty dozen” list.

The dirty dozen list names fruits and veggies that are particularly high in pesticides. It includes things like peaches, apples, strawberries, celery, spinach, potatoes, and tomatoes. Buy these items organic whenever you can.25,26

Wear Sunscreen Every Day

what is oxidative stress | Power LifeSunscreen can help keep UV rays from deeply penetrating your skin and generating free radicals. Be sure to pick a sunscreen that offers adequate protection from UVA rays, and slather on a thick coat.27

Get Plenty Of Sleep

Sleep helps your body recharge and remove free radicals that accumulate during your awake time. Essentially, sleep is like one big antioxidant. So, pack in those zzz’s in the name of health.28

Stress Less About Oxidative Stress

While oxidative stress can be damaging to your health, there are plenty of things you can do to help your body naturally fight back. Remember this simple mantra: more good and less bad. Remember to increase your antioxidant intake when you can – take those supplements, eat those fruits, and drink that unsweetened coffee or tea. Similarly, watch some of those actions that may be increasing free radical production in your body. You got this.

Monday, November 14, 2022

GIVE YOUR SKIN A COLLAGEN BOOST - Cildinize kolajen desteği verin

 Sadece 84 Günde DOĞAL Kolajen Üretiminizi Hızlandırın


                                                         SİPARİŞ İÇİN TIKLAYINIZ

Kollagen Intensiv™ doğal kolajen yenilenmesinde en son tıbbi buluşları içerir ve kırışıklıkların, ince çizgilerin, yaşlılık lekelerinin ve daha fazlasının gözle görülür bir şekilde azalması için cildinizi doğal olarak kolajen üretimini artırmaya teşvik eder. Cilt daha genç bir görünüm kazanır.

Kökleri İsviçre'ye dayanan Kollagen Intensiv™'in lüks formülasyonu, klinik olarak kanıtlanmış patentli peptit SYN®-COLL içerir:

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                                                   >>> SİPARİŞ İÇİN TIKLAYINIZ