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Saturday, March 7, 2020


The Amazing Powers of Self Hypnosis
Copyright © Steve G. Jones, Clinical Hypnotherapist

I want to share a success story about hypnosis for weight loss. There are so many, but this one stands out in my mind and touches my heart. I was working in the summer of 2004 with a young lady named Jen. She was 19 at the time and was scheduled to undergo gastric bypass surgery. This surgery is very drastic and involved stapling the stomach so that the person can no longer eat large meals. She also already had liposuction but regained all of her weight. Her father had died and all her mother wanted was for Jen to be happy.

As they both sat in my office in tears, Jen told me that this was her last attempt to lose weight before killing herself. After her mom left the room, we began the hypnosis session. While in a trance, Jen remembered being abused by her father. It was traumatic for her to recall this but helpful at the same time. Jen also revealed that she had "built up a protective layer" with the excess weight. She explained while under hypnosis that the weight repelled men and kept her "safe."

After Jen was out of hypnosis, I invited her mom back into the office. The three of us discussed this unfortunate event. Her mom said that she had suspected that it happened, but never had proof until now. Jen returned the next week and we began working on re-building her self-esteem using hypnosis. This is very easy to do with hypnosis since the messages go directly to the subconscious mind. If you want to do this yourself, just make a tape with positive suggestions that you play in bed each night as you go to sleep.

In the four weeks that followed, I was able to reframe the way she felt about eating right, exercising, and taking care of herself in general. After only six sessions, I told Jen that I had done all the work we needed to do.

Last week, Jen sent me an e-mail with a picture. You see, I had programmed her to continue to eat right, exercise, and take care of herself. Well, the picture she sent looked like a model! Jen had gone from 325 lbs. to 115 lbs! The e-mail was even more inspirational. Here’s what she wrote:

Dear Steve,

It has been a year since our last session. The pounds have been consistently dropping. I eat differently and don’t even try to. I exercise three times a week and love it. Most importantly, my view of life is completely different now. I went from being overweight and suicidal to being thin, sexy, beautiful and totally confident. My mom is happier than ever and so is my husband. That’s right! I am married. He’s 6’4", an architect, and wants kids. I feel like I’m living the life of my dreams. Hypnosis is amazing. You taught me that I could do ANYTHING that I BELIEVE I can do. You are right. Feel free to share this letter with others. I want the world to know about the power of hypnosis and the power of the human mind!

With much love and respect,


In my line of work, I get to see this happen often. Jen is one of the many people who decided to make a powerful change in her life. Hypnosis helped, but the change was really due to her commitment to herself. I hope that the sharing of Jen’s journey will inspire you to create whatever powerful change you desire in your life. There are no obstacles, except the ones YOU create in your mind. Remove those obstacles, and you will easily live the life of YOUR dreams.


Steve G. Jones is a board-certified Clinical Hypnotherapist. He is a member of the National Guild of Hypnotists, American Board of Hypnotherapy, president of the American Alliance of Hypnotists, on the board of directors of the Los Angeles chapter of the American Lung Association, and director of the California state registered Steve G. Jones School of Hypnotherapy. Learn more about his products by visiting: BETTERLIVINGWITHHYPNOSIS


Dangers of laser tattoo removal


Thought experiment: if somebody took away all your knowledge and told you to go with the most p Dangers of laser tattoo removal popular route – laser removal – would you do it?

Hmmm… thought experiments. They push you to think about your position in a whole new way.

Would I do a laser removal if it was the only thing I knew for getting the ink off my skin? No, I wouldn't. The risks are simply not worth the benefit.

And I don't care if I had my ex-BoyFriend ALIEBOS name tattooed across my chest in big block letters, and my current Boyfriend was fuming about it. I’d explain my situation to him using exactly what I'm about to tell you right now:

Laser removal damages skin cells


When you go into a laser removal consultation, either the doctor or his assistant will tell you that the laser they use is highly precise and specifically calibrated to target ink pigment cells.

All of this is correct. But what you may not hear is that vaporizing ink pigment heats up the skin cells around the ink, and can cause the skin cells to suffer water loss and premature death.

Fresh, living skin below the surface where the ink lies, are killed as a result of laser tattoo removal. The only question is how many?

Too many living skin cells killed and there is a substantial risk of scarring. Each and every time you visit the laser clinic, you contend with this issue.

Which brings me to my second point: Since vaporizing sub surface ink is relatively hard on the skin, doctors have to spread out treatments over months and years before the level of fade is good enough to call the job finished. It's just more opportunity for the skin to get damaged each time.

Infection risk

What happens to your body when it's knocked out of its natural balance? Opportunists quickly take advantage. And that's exactly what happens after a laser session that leaves your skin cells weak and unable to protect themselves. Infections can and do occur.

Scar formation

An overgrowth of scar tissue called Keloid scarring is one of the more unfortunate side effects of laser removal surgery. Not only does an unattractive scar appear over the skin, but it is usually raised and textured as well. Unfortunately, these are not temporary scars either.

Laser removal is uneven

The effectiveness of ink removal lasers is dependent on the laser's ability to target the specific ink pigment that produces the tattoo's color. If you have a multicolored tattoo, this is bad news. It's very unlikely that a black, blue, and red tattoo will remove evenly.

Is the risk worth it?

Even if we make-believe that there are no natural tattoo removal methods, there's always the cover-up option. A coverup takes what you thought was a tattoo that couldn't be turned into anything else, and makes it something completely different. I've seen ex-girlfriends and ex-boyfriend's names turned into unicorns, tribal symbols, you name it. It can be done.

So my answer again to the question "laser tattoo removal or nothing" is absolutely nothing (or the coverup instead).

Okay, now that we're back to reality, and natural methods do exist, the Laserless Tattoo Removal Guide will be of help to anyone who doesn't feel like spending months and thousands of dollars on an inherently more risky procedure


If you’re counting on your government to shield you from the deadly coronavirus, I have a message for you... Don’t be silly. They wouldn’t know how even if they tried.

 Leaked private meetings between U.S. health officials tell us.... they are in a panic. Not only do they not know what to do... They’re not really sure how many people are infected. Reports from the United States range from 35 to 105. They are at a loss.

 But you don’t have to be.
 There is 1 thing you can do...right save yourself.

 You have to see this => Click here to learn more! 1 thing to protect yourself from the deadly coronavirus. And I don’t mean masks (they can’t protect you if a droplet gets in your eyes). Smallpox killed 300 million people and had a LOWER mortality rate than coronavirus.

 That’s the entire population of the United States and the coronavirus is playing out a very similar pattern. Do you realize that once one of your family members gets it you wont be able to take care of them or even see them. Because they could spread it to you. Imagine not being able to hold or even touch your sick child.

 Don’t let it happen to you => Click here to learn more!


 P.S. That video is making WAVES on the internet. No offense, but you’re probably the last person to see it. Click here to learn more!

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